- 502-331-8800
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- 308 North 5th St. Bardstown, KY
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BMS Archery

BMS Archery has a rich history. It finds its roots in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), founded in Kentucky as a way to teach students a lifelong positive activity. Our goal is to stay true to the original mission of NASP. We welcome all students to come out and participate. It doesn’t matter what age or what size you are. On the BMS Archery Team, you’ll get the chance to sling arrows in competition against shooters from around the state and even the country. But you’ll also get a chance to compete against yourself. More importantly, you’ll build self-discipline. As a representative of our school, we expect all archers to maintain good grades and be 100% committed to the team
There is further information about NASP at the following website: http://www.naspschools.org/.
We hope to see you on the range!
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